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TEEN TAEKWONDO (ages 13-17)

Teens go through so many changes and have so much more on their plates that they need something structured and consistent to keep them grounded and mindful.

Our Teens Taekwondo classes give your teen a healthy outlet to release the stress of school, work, peer pressure, and growing pains through adrenaline-pumping workouts that are safe for their changing bodies.

Skills they learn:

Kicking, Striking, Blocking, Stances, Forms, Movement, Sparring, Grappling

Skills the develop:

Focus, Respect, Self-Esteem, Dexterity, Versatility, Self-Control, Flexibility, Stress-Relief, Leadership


Start now for only $49.95! You get:

Free Uniform! (Yours to keep)

4 Weeks of Training! (1 Month)

8 Amazing Classes! (2 Classes per week)

Life Changing results! (Guaranteed)



Taekwondo is not just for children! You are capable of trying! Whether you are an individual or a parent. If you want to learn martial arts, earn a black belt, and develop skills you always wanted to have, then start now!

Don't let excesses such as "All the other students are kids", "I need to get in shape first",  or "I'm just too tired", stop you from achieving your goals and your dreams!

We work with everyone helping them in areas they desire, through consistent training we will motivate and support you on this journey!

Skills you learn:

Kicking, Striking, Blocking, Stances, Forms, Movement, Sparring, Grappling, Reaction-Timing

Skills you Develop:

Focus, Discipline, Endurance, Stress-Relief, Leadership, Dexterity, Flexibility, Versatility


Start now for only $49.95! You get:

Free Uniform! (Yours to keep)

4 Weeks of Training! (1 Month)

8 Amazing Classes! (2 classes per week)

Life Changing Results! (Guaranteed) 

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